Edna Walling’s Legacy
The garden surrounding the main homestead is acknowledged as one of the great country gardens of Australia. First planted in the 1920’s, the garden was re-designed in 1949 by the pioneer of Australian landscape gardening Edna Walling. The pergola of blue and white wisteria, the stunning golden and weeping elms, the profusion of roses, the stone-walled garden and the sweeping lawn down to a small lake are all part of the Walling signature.
Walling was determined to exemplify and take advantage of the glorious natural scenery of paddocks and hills and today silver birch, aspens, pinoaks, hawthorns, golden elms, golden ash and claret ash, spireas, viburnums and native eucalypts shelter and frame the garden without obscuring the view.
Overall the garden remains substantially as Edna Walling originally planned. A characteristic of her work, are the dry stone walls constructed by E. R. Hammond, the sweeping lawns merging with mown paddock; informal curving paths leading the eye onward to the enchanting hidden depths of the garden and to the hills beyond.
Today garden enthusiasts or those who simply like a stroll or picnic can enjoy the garden in its full glory, when staying at the farm stay or on open garden days.
Phil, our Head Gardener, is constantly look to improve the beauty in sympathy with Walling’s vision and at the moment as the trees begin to shed their leaves in shades it is a truly magical place.
Hi Markdale – I stayed at your holiday cottage last March and loved it – the high lite was the Edna Walling garden surrounding the homestead and will definitely return in Spring – Also I really loved the colour of the shutters and front door – I would be so grateful if you could tell me exact paint colour if not too much trouble as want to paint my new front door . I look forward to hearing from you – kind regards – Kathryn
We’re so pleased you enjoyed your stay Kathryn and look forward to welcoming you back in Spring!
We’ll inbox you about the colour shortly.